
Thou wilt shew me the path of life:
in thy presence is fulness of joy;
at thy right hand there are pleasures
for evermore. Psalms 16:11


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for helping me so lonely and sad to find you.

And I'm so afraid someone I love will miss out on the happiness you give, God--everything good, from the summer itself to the breeze and the shade that help make summer so wonderful, making us feel so delightful on a hot summer day.

But even more than that, I realized I'm totally missing the point in my love and prayers for others.

Because the point is NOT to not miss out on the happiness of things you give to us, God.

But the real point is not to miss out on you.

Because you yourself, and loving you, and finally in Heaven being with you, that is the REAL happiness. You, God, are happiness.

All the other happinesses that you give us are merely the smallest reflections from the real happiness that is you. They are real, because you are even more real.

Oh, God, please help everyone I love to find you! And please help me to love everyone, so that therefore my prayer will truly be for everyone to find you!

Religion has become so corrupted, even deeply the ones that are founded on the truth.

Just like the real high priests in Jesus's day were so evil. Despite being directly ordained by God and being able to claim humanly to be the continuation of the descendants of Abraham, Jesus said they were like rooms full of death painted over with beauty.

Are religious leaders today mostly the same way?

And what was the response of Jesus to those religious leaders and priests who claimed to be the only legitimate source of truth from God, despite having corrupted it almost completely?

Your response, Jesus, was that God is able to raise up even from stones true descendants of Abraham, meaning the pedigree of a person means nothing to God, but only whether their heart is right with you.

Religion has become so rich in the things of this world that it has forgotten you, God, whose kingdom is not of this world.

In the book of Revelation, you prophesied, God, that the church which had poverty in the future was truly rich, and you prophesied that the church which said, "I am rich," in the future, did not know that truly it was wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.

Is this how you see our huge, beautiful church buildings, when you look down from Heaven, God?

Do you see the magnificent edifices that we think are pointed upwards to Heaven, as false idols pointed rather downwards to hell?

Not because beauty is wrong, but because pride is deceitful and beauty is vain?

Religion itself, which is supposed to point us to you, O God, has become so hypocritical and flawed that it often points everyone away from God, because everyone can see the many lies in religion, and Satan just laughs and laughs.

Because it is the pride of religions and their human traditions that they begin to place in the place of your truth.

And this impurity in religion, you said, God, is like how only a little bit of yeast is needed to puff up the entire loaf of bread, filling us with self-importance instead of with salvation. Pride leads people away from Heaven so often, even those who think they are pursuing God the most.

Many people who think they are the most holy and most religious, will hear from you, God, in the day of judgment, "Depart from me, for I never knew you."

Jesus, you are the way, the truth, and the life, and there is no other truth at all--no one finds you, the God of gods, any other way except through you, Jesus, the Son of God, and you said in John 10:30, "I and my Father are one."

You told us twice, that if we as Christians preach any other gospel than what you have given us in your Word, that we are to be accursed.

Please forgive us from our sins as Christians, for being the people who lead people away from God more than even Satan does.

  Joseph Myers

Love God

Proverbs 3:5John 14:1John 3:16

God, please help us to have faith no matter how small, and trust in you in our hearts. Help us believe in Jesus who died and paid for our sins so we can be forgiven if we ask you to forgive our sins in the name of Jesus. And thus enter our hearts and help us to grow in love for you.